Ruck's Place


Charles Rucker Season 11 Episode 11

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I was once called, TOO GUARDED, and I did not know what in the world that meant at the time. I was living in Beverly Hills California with my wife and children at the time. I would walk my kids to school and many times caring their backpacks. I was approached by one of my kids teachers on one afternoon during pick up time when I was asked to stop caring their burdens. I did not know what that meant or how to respond to this so I just walked away. The next few weeks I would be approached by other staff members in a very nice way and asked to stop being so guarded to which again I did not understand what this meant until it was explained to me. Stop carrying the kids backpack teaches them to carry their own burdens and the stop being so guarded meant to open up and be more secure about who I was at the time in the environment. It meant to stop being so uptight and insecure about my self image and those of my family. Relax and be of value to the community that had embraced me and my family and participate without so much rehearsed kind of mannerisms. Be myself and allow my kids to grow freely into who they desired to be.  I did not know that I was being that way and that my desires to fit in how I saw fitting in my mind came with a lot of insecurities and stereotypes that did not serve me or my family well.  I took heed to what I was being asked to try and eventually I opened up and found that who was at the time with respect to myself image grew and my wife and kids under my direction learned to be more trusting of not only the poeple around us in the community but also in our own hearts and minds.  check out this episode I am sure that many will be able to relate.

Chuck Rucker

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