Ruck's Place
Ruck's Place is a Podcast with episodes that covers topics ranging from, Self Help, Success, Failure to Coping with Loss as well as with Gains. It covers the ends and outs of every day life. It's truthful, raw and honest in the delivery of it's content which is based in real life experiences through the host lenses. It's user friendly and simple to those who are open minded. It is not perfect as I am not in anyway, shape or form a perfect being. The Podcast is for the purpose of entertainment. I am just a man with an opinion based on my experiences in parenting, relationships both personal and in business. I live and love entrepreneurship as well as the human interaction on all levels. I am in the Real Estate business and have been for a long while and have had the blessing of touching and being touch by grate people from all walks of life. I look forward to sharing my story and ideas with you all. I hope to have feed back and critiques as I am a student of life and always searching for wisdom and understanding in whatever it is that I experience. Thank you for hanging out with me for the past four and a half years. I look for many more years to come with you all.
Chuck Rucker
Ruck's Place
It is the end of January 2025 and boy has it been a ride thus far. It seemed like there were so many things happening that did not align with the ideas most of us had for the new year. I woke up this morning and was hit with the message that I wanted to share with you all today. That message was to ask myself the three questions that many times as a young man when pulled over by the police or state troopers, Where are you coming from, Why are you here and Where are you going? Check out this episode and if you connect with the message ask yourself these three questions and they just might change your life.
Chuck Rucker
Ruck's Place Podcast Host